After a month that presented the commercial mission that Suncast undertook in Europe, the startup that applies artificial intelligence to renewable energies reports that it confirms the interest of French companies, mainly, for the solutions that it currently offers in generation forecasting and predictive maintenance of plants solar and wind.
Among the main companies with which Suncast had contact during his stay, the French Engie, Total Energie, CVE, the French Center for Alternative and Atomic Energies (CEA) and the Regional Agency for Economic Development of the Occitanie Region in the southwest of France, as well as ABB's Swedish SynerLeap accelerator, among others.
Constanza Levicán, CEO and founder of Suncast, explained that "the European market was always within Suncast's strategy, however, we have decided to advance the expansion decisions since in this context of energy crisis that is being experienced throughout the world , and mainly in Europe, there is an urgency on the part of companies to optimize the operation of power plants, as well as to accelerate the installation of new renewable energy parks”.
Suncast detected a particular interest in the predictive maintenance service, especially in the South of France, since given the climate of this region, there is high irradiance and wind speed, and consequently, high solar photovoltaic and wind installed capacity. Finally, in order for energy generation companies to remain competitive, they have created specific work teams to analyze the performance of generating parks.
“These expert professionals in asset and operation management require handling a large amount of data and applying algorithms at a level that monitoring systems do not currently deliver. Our customer segment is eager for the development of advanced digital services where it is no longer enough to receive the information, but also to process it, detect abnormal patterns and suffer losses”, explained Levicán.
On the other hand, Levicán explained that in the European market there are greater demands in sending forecasts, which opens an opportunity for the solar and wind energy forecasting service, which Suncast currently applies to plants that together exceed 1 gigawatt (GW ) in installed capacity of electricity generation.
It should be noted that Suncast's visit to Europe was part of the acceleration program for the Trophée Startup award, given by INRIA, the French Embassy, Business France, and the French Institute of Chile, and sponsored by AirFrance, Engie and BNP Paribas, who The next call for the contest was launched on July 14, while next Wednesday, July 20 at 2:00 p.m., the informative webinar will be held for those interested in participating in this new edition, which will feature the testimony of the founder of Suncast.