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Statkraft and Suncast impulse the wind energy sector in Chile with innovation and high-quality service

Actualizado: 24 jun

Upon participating in the tendering, Suncast stood out among other technology providers, awarding a contract as the new provider of Wind Energy Forecasting with delivery to the CEN and Technological Development for the company Statkraft.

Implementing new features to perfect forecasting models that deliver to the Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional (CEN), one of the objectives impulsed by the company Statkraft, Europe’s largest renewable energy supplier with headquarters in Chile, that is in the search for a technology ally that provides a solution to its requirements, the Chilean company Suncast.

Statkraft Chile chose Suncast among other providers that took part in the tendering process initiated in 2023 and its proposal included the Wind Energy Forecasting service with delivery to CEN, to provide its services to three of the company’s wind parks.

“Suncast accomplished relevant scoring greater than other participants. The quality of the proposed service and the compliance in most of the service’s scope stood out. The offer captured Suncast's extensive knowledge of Chilean regulations, such as the forecasting requirements mandated by the Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional, and its work experience with other electrical generation companies in the country”, explained Carlos Mante, Strategic Operations Manager at Statkraft. 

Quality and precision: Suncast deploys new features for Statkraft, improving wind forecasting and handling.

In addition to the forecasting service, the agreement included technological development requested by the client.

“We are proud to be Statkraft’s forecasting providers. Also, we have implemented a series of new functions for the operations team and Control Center so that the downtime on an entire park level, including the recording on a wind generators level”, stated Constanza Levicán, CEO and founder of Suncast, who signed the alliance.

On the other hand, Statkraft’s Strategic Operations Manager rated Suncast’s work and the way the process has been progressing. 

“The forecasting service started very expeditiously and quickly with the delivery of forecasts to the CEN’s servers, without any inconvenience, which kept working correctly and delivering promptly. We also appreciate Suncast’s effort of adjusting to the indications and changes required by CEN, including the early involvement in the Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional’s new API’s testing stages”,  she added.

“Our goal is to maintain error forecasting under the threshold established by the new technical standard once we have adjusted our models, as we have done for our other clients. We look forward to broadening our horizons and becoming Statkraft’s best technological partner.” closed Constanza Levicán.


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