The Master of Engineering Sciences UC and twice award-winner of the Avonni national innovation award of the “Energy” and “Female Innovator” categories, stood out, as of the time of the 12th version of the Congress of the Future, the importance of taking part in international events to show local knowledge and export it to the world.
Achieving the objectives of the fight against Climate change is one of the reasons why dozens of countries participate in different encounters to analyze ways to become more ambitious in outlining and achieving climate commitments. On the 12th version of the Congress of the Future 2023 the importance of sustainability was reiterated as a key factor to the world, and the need for implementing actual initiatives and actions which offer concrete solutions.
“We are convicted that Science and Knowledge are the pillars of our new development model. Chile has much to offer to the world, and when we say that, commodities come to mind. Commodities are not the only things to offer, but so is knowledge, science, creativity, innovation and imagination, and they are all a part of our territory and we are not making the best out of them”, said President Gabriel Boric at the inauguration of the most important scientific disclosure event in Latin America.
Among the same lines Constanza Levicán, founder and CEO of Suncast, highlighted that: "It is important to understand how we are going to plan from Chile to participate in international instances and begin to export solutions, not just raw commodities, in order to make our export matrix more complex and provide more value to our country."
Suncast has currently had the opportunity to represent Chile at different international events such as: APEC Women-led Start-Up Accelerator Workshop; Commercial Mission ProChile COP27 in Egypt and as a guest of the Chilean Business Delegation at the APEC 2022 event held in Thailand.
In the APEC 2022 event, they took part in the APEC CEO Summit 2022, attending the “Building Sustainable Economies Business and Societies” panel, as well as other panels with women in authority such as Kamala Harris, the Vice president of the United States, and New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.
In addition, along with ProChile Thailand, they visited SPCG’s Business Control Center, the country’s largest and pioneer solar company, female-led, Wandee Khunchornyakong Juljarern, Doctor of Philosophy, Forbes chosen entrepreneur and fundamental contributor in the development of the Asian solar power plant market as the CEO of SPCG.
For the founder of Suncast, Chile has the conditions to become an exporter of solutions against climate change since the technologies exist, developed in the territory, that are already giving promising results and could impulse the country’s participation in future summits, such as the COP28 that will take place in Dubai, and the following APEC events that will be held in the United States and Peru, respectively.
“It’s urgent to incorporate technology startups because we have the speed to bring innovation to different industries so that they can achieve their sustainable development goals. We consider that, while political agreements are important, they are not enough to fight against the Climate Crisis”, stated Constanza Levicán.
As an example, she explained how Suncast applies Artificial Intelligence to renewable energies and provides services of Solar and Wind Energy Forecasting with 50% more accuracy than the national average, as well as Soiling Forecasting in solar power plants, which optimizes the generation of energy.
Regarding the meetings and experiences, the founder of Suncast pointed out that the business tendencies in the future “will no longer be the same. After the pandemic, all businesses must consider sustainability, and respect towards the environment and society. The main mutual funds, when investing, require many guarantees regarding the way business will be done, meaning that there will be restrictions to the capital in these aspects”.